Our Services


Event marketing is one of the most powerful ways to grow and scale your brand.

More exposure, networking opportunities, connecting with your target audience, and displaying your value proposition are just three reasons to integrate events into your marketing and PR strategy.

EAK Digital specializes in event development, management, and analysis, providing a full-service solution to brands in the emerging technologies sector.

So, if you want more exposure, growth, and the ability to stand out in a competitive industry, trust our event planners.

Trusted by


Events are the perfect opportunity to connect and exchange ideas with a community of like-minded people—all with an active interest in the blockchain ecosystem.

Every event component requires careful planning and strategy, from marketing your event to securing registrations and ensuring attendees show up on the day.

With a proven history in marketing, PR, content creation, and communications, our team develops and manages virtual, physical, and hybrid events for brands that want to achieve more.

Whether you’re releasing a product, running a networking event, or attending a corporate party, our experienced professionals handle all event elements, enabling you to sit back, relax, and enjoy connecting with your target audience.



Whether you’re defining your objectives, selecting a venue, or setting up a conversion-focused event lead page, the planning process determines whether people will register, attend, and enjoy your event.


Whether it’s an in-person, virtual, or hybrid event, the logistics ensure accessibility for everyone. The layout, audio and visual effects, catering, and staffing levels are integral to a smooth operation.

Promotion and engagement

Raising awareness through promotion and generating excitement will ensure your event has attendees, but it’s not enough. Events must offer value, whether that’s helpful advice, product demonstrations, or keynote speakers.

Feedback and evaluation

Gathering feedback for attendees, sponsors, and key stakeholders enables you to assess the success of your event and measure whether it met metrics. Evaluation is intrinsic to developing event experiences that align with your objectives and set your team apart as industry leaders.

End-to-end event management services

EAK Digital has the experience and team to plan, execute, and deliver memorable events of all sizes. With combined expertise in PR, marketing, communications, and Web3, our services align with your brand’s unique needs and goals.

The blockchain technology industry is experiencing widespread adoption, but audiences expect to see forward-thinking brands and industry leaders paving the way. We make sure your participants turn into customers and get your name recognised throughout the world.

Event planning and coordination

Please consider us as your helpful team of experts ready to identify and inspect venues for suitability. We handle all elements of the event planning process, using analysis to source the best location, time, and theme for your target audience.

With extensive technical expertise, we’ll also help you develop a high-converting event website, integrating technology to ensure a seamless registration experience for virtual attendees.

Our approach also removes the need for paper, positioning your brand as eco-friendly in an increasingly conscious society.

Branding and logistics

Every single element of your event should align with your brand’s identity. Whether you’re releasing a product, running a webinar, or networking with prospective clients, our marketing specialists will ensure consistency across all event collateral.

We’re also experts in sourcing catering, keynote speakers, entertainment, and visual-audio specialists that align with your budget. Our ability to negotiate the best rates ensures access to superior equipment and reputable suppliers.

Seamless event management

An event lets you connect with your target audience and lay the foundations for professional relationships. Unfortunately, many stakeholders miss out on engaging with attendees because they have to manage the event.

EAK Digital is your trusted partner before, during, and after the event. With our team of managers on your side, you won’t have to worry about managing staff or speakers—we do everything for you.

From briefing your team to managing the schedule, our event management services let you focus on what matters: attendee experience.

Post-event support

Our project management team supports you through the post-event wrap-up phase, ensuring continuity with the relationships you formed.

We conduct a complete post-event evaluation, producing a report on your event and providing a comparison based on your key metrics. You’ll also receive master data on your attendees, enabling you to assess the success of the marketing and promotional materials.

Once we have this information, our specialists will arrange a meeting to reflect on the event. We’ll provide feedback and insights for future events to increase your ROI.

Get a Free Proposal

Our Process


Free consultation

Your free discovery call lets us learn about your event goals and experience. We’ll also explain how we can help and generate a proposal.



Our multi-talented specialists combine their skills to give you a bespoke experience that aligns with your goals.



We offer end-to-end support throughout the entire event—from planning to post-analysis—giving you actionable insights for future events.

Book your discovery call today

If you’d like to enquire about our event management services, please feel free to contact us today. We’d love to learn more about your event and how we can help you.

Get Started with EAK

Case Studies

Unveil the power of our expertise. Dive into our Case Studies section below to explore the depth of our PR prowess.

What Our Clients Say


  • Why should I integrate events into my marketing strategy?

    Events are opportunities to increase exposure, connect with a broader audience, and enhance your brand’s reputation. They also enable you to offer your audience genuine value, and establish your brand as an industry authority.

  • How can I budget for an event?

    Allocating resources effectively while maintaining a profit-based mindset is essential. Caterers, equipment, and keynote speakers benefit the attendee experience, but your budget will define the scale of your event. EAK Digital can help you manage available resources and develop a budget that aligns with your objectives.

  • How can you help me ensure attendance?

    People might register for events, but that doesn’t mean they’ll attend on the day. We use data-driven methods to increase your attendance rates by creating and promoting a dynamic event website.
    Our specialists will ensure your event stays in prospective attendees’ minds, resulting in higher success rates.

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