Our Services

24/7 Discord and Telegram Community Management Services

The rise of Discord and Telegram means many brands are setting up communities on these platforms, which offer more flexibility and security for Web3 and NFT groups.

While Non-Fungible tokens are rooted in the ownership and trading of digital assets, they also serve as authentication tickets that enable access to various communities.

EAK Digital provides dedicated, round-the-clock community management services on Telegram and Discord for NFT and Web3 products. Our unique offering ensures you can grow a community and provide a seamless user experience, eliminating the risk of disengagement.

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Specialists in Telegram and Discord community management

Discord and Telegram’s flexibility and security cement their popularity in blockchain, NFT, and Web3 communities. Discord has grown continuously since its inception in 2015, hosting over 563 million users in 2024.

Telegram had 800 million active users in 2023, making it one of the world’s largest messaging apps.

Hosting community channels can help NFT collection owners connect with others and secure brand growth by forming relationships with members and promoting available NFT products. 

24/7 community management is vital for:

Facilitating and maintaining engagement

Community members interact on these platforms 24/7, and having dedicated community managers can ensure engagement. Answering questions and communicating in real-time will also provide loyalty to your channels.


Brands must demonstrate professionalism to Discord and Telegram community members by setting clear boundaries for interaction, respect, and the elimination of misinformation. 24/7 moderators are key to ensuring compliance.

Ongoing management

Discord channels that experience frequent server issues will inevitably lose members. Managing your community 24/7 ensures rapid problem identification and the ability to fix them before they result in losses.

Maximize community engagement with our proactive management services

EAK Digital has a team of communications and Web3 experts with decades of experience in the emerging technologies sector. Our proactive 24/7 community management services position your brand as an authority and drive engagement by interacting with members.

Community building strategies

We’ll help you build a thriving community through strategy and consistency. Our data-driven professionals will work with you to identify objectives, develop a plan to attract your target audience and position your unique offering.

From optimizing your channel’s layout to defining goals and creating content, we identify what’s holding you back and eliminate potential problems with targeted community growth strategies.

As communications experts, we’ll diversify your reach through advertising, incentive programs, and outreach, giving your channel a strong foundation for long-term growth.

Moderation and support

With 24/7 support agents, we’re always around when you need us. Our experts will always answer questions, offer advice, and interact with members, enabling your community to thrive and become a source of valuable information.

Moderation is integral to our processes. Discord and Telegram should be safe, supportive spaces for everyone. You’ll get a dedicated moderation strategy that protects your community and sets clear expectations for all members.

Our moderators will also monitor conversations, work hard to address conflicts and take action against members who ignore the rules.

Crisis management

Even a minor issue can significantly lower engagement rates, but we monitor your community 24/7, identify problems, and deploy an emergency response team to mitigate risks to your channel’s functionality.

Our specialists will develop intensive emergency response protocols built for your brand’s requirements and incorporate a range of crisis scenarios. They will also engage with community members to alleviate their concerns during problems.

With post-crisis debriefings, our experts will also identify areas for improvement and implement new strategies that ensure a speedier response. We can also design training sessions for your stakeholders, enabling them to take control of moderation in the future.

Book a Free Discovery Call

Our Process


Free Consultation

Booking a free discovery call allows you.


Allows You

To learn what we’re all about and reveal your goals. Once we analyze your brand’s current presence, we’ll issue a free zero-obligation proposal.



Our experts will assess your brand’s unique needs and perform an intensive risk assessment. We’ll then develop a community management strategy.



Community management is a long-term investment, but we’ll update you with regular reports and evaluate how we can help you grow and scale your members.

Get support today

Discord and Telegram community services are the proactive way to stand against your competition and create a channel everyone wants to participate in. EAK Digital would love to learn about your community, goals, and what you expect from us.

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Case Studies

Unveil the power of our expertise. Dive into our Case Studies section below to explore the depth of our PR prowess.

What Our Clients Say


  • What are NTFs, and how do they relate to Telegram and Discord?

    NFTs are digital assets that validate authenticity and ownership. Popular forms of NFTs include digital art, crypto-collectibles, virtual real estate and gaming assets. Many Non-Fungible tokens also give holders access to specialist communities.

  • How should I handle negative feedback on my channel?

    The most important thing is to stay calm and avoid arguing with the person. Remember that your role as a brand is to instill trust in your community members, which means listening to their concerns and responding promptly.
    As PR and communications professionals, we respond to all complaints on your behalf, offering solutions and following up with community members. With EAK Digital, you can establish better relationships with all users.

  • Why is measuring community health essential?

    Measuring community health refers to tracking vital metrics, including how many members your community has, their activity levels, and the number of messages. We used advanced technology to measure engagement and isolate any trends. 
    For example, if your members are most active on a specific day, we’ll align the engagement strategy to ensure they discover your content. You can focus on growth and attract new members by continually assessing your community’s health.

Let’s talk

We promise we won’t spam you, but we will send you interesting news and updates, and secret things that nobody else will receive. Sound good?

24/7 Discord and Telegram Community Management Services

24/7 Discord and Telegram Community Management Services

Let’s talk