They make it look so easy, don’t they?

I’m talking about those business owners who manage to get all the best interviews with major publications. I’m referring to those who get their names out there through building key relationships with journalists and others in the media.

So how are they doing it? What magic secret do they have that enables them to gain exposure through the media?

Chances are, they’re using some of the tips I’m about to provide for you in this post. When you implement these strategies, you will see that it’s not impossible to get reporters to write about your business.

Help A Reporter Out And Get Featured In The Press

One of the most effective ways to get covered by the press is to connect with reporters. You can do this through a service called “Help A Reporter Out (HARO).” HARO is a free subscription that enables you to connect with journalists that cover news in your industry.

Reporters use HARO to find sources for stories they are writing. For you, HARO can be a highly effective resource for getting quoted in multiple publications.

HARO is easy to use, but it does require a level of diligence. Here are some tips for making the most out of HARO:

Check Your Email Quickly

After you sign up for the service, you will begin receiving emails with queries on different subjects. These queries are time sensitive as the reporters are typically on strict deadlines.

A good rule of thumb is to send your pitch to the journalist as soon as possible. If the email is over twelve hours old, it’s best to skip it and wait for the next one because it’s likely that the reporter has already found a source.

Research The Publication

Don’t just pitch any media outlet that appears to be a fit. Make sure that the journalist is with an organization that covers your area of expertise.

The last thing you want is to waste time pitching a publication that won’t give your business the exposure it needs. Try reading some of the journalist’s previous work. Take a look at the organization’s website. This will help you determine whether you should spend time reaching out to them.

Write A Compelling Media Pitch

After finding the right match, it’s time to craft your pitch. This includes a short email in which you will establish your credentials and provide quotes for the reporter.

When you’re writing your pitch, review the reporter’s requirements. Then, tailor your pitch to the guidelines listed in the query. You want to communicate to the reporter that you are the best source for the topic at hand.

If the query is requesting advice on a particular subject, this is your chance to shine! Don’t hold back. Provide the very best advice possible. Not only will this make it more likely that your pitch will be accepted, but it will also convey to the reader that you are an established authority in your field.

Participate In Local Events

Sometimes the most effective way to get the media’s attention is to get involved in your local community. Most cities have events that are held throughout the year. If you want to increase your chances of getting covered in the media, make your presence known at these events.

Here are some ways you can get more involved with the community:

  • Sign up to speak at an industry event.
  • Volunteer for charity events.
  • Become a sponsor for certain events.
  • Join clubs that can help you meet new people.

Attending local events is a great way to get noticed, but it might also be a good idea to hold your own events. This gives you a chance to draft a press release that might get picked up by the local news.

Use The Drafting Technique

The Drafting Technique is a creative way to grab the attention of the media. This method involves piggybacking on breaking news stories that relate to your industry. It’s especially useful if you have something you need to promote such as a new product, service, or piece of content.

For starters, research journalists who already cover topics related to your industry. Create a list of reporters who would be most likely to write about your business. There are several different types of stories that could work.

Look up stories that feature your competitors. If another company in your niche is covered in the media, this might present an opportunity for you.

Contact the reporter who wrote the piece that features your competitor. Now is the time to start building a relationship. Building rapport with a journalist can lead to a story written about your company.

Want to be really slick? Try contacting a journalist from a competing news outlet and convince them to write a story about your product or service. Perhaps the competing reporter will be willing to craft a piece that gets more attention than the one that covered the other business.

Another way to use the drafting technique is to get topical. Think about the major topics that come up in your industry. Chances are, these subjects have been covered repeatedly. If your business is creating content (and it should be), then you might have an opportunity to take a different spin on the subject.

One of the best ways to stand out in this way is to adopt a contrarian view. Is there an overarching opinion on a certain issue in your space? It might be a good idea to challenge this pre-established view. You could end up starting a new conversation which will position you as a thought leader.

Lastly, you should monitor prominent individuals in your industry. Do some research and find the most popular pieces of content related to your niche. Follow the authors of this content and see where they have been interviewed. Target the publications who are covering the influencers in your niche, and offer your expertise.

Final Thoughts

Contrary to what many believe, marketing isn’t just about social media and creating great content. While these fundamentals are certainly important, getting press coverage for your business is also a critical component of gaining exposure for your brand.

These tips can be especially helpful for building credibility as part of an STO marketing campaign.

Our streamlined approach to content marketing and PR leaves you time to focus on your business while we focus on building your authority. Book in for a free consultation below.

Erhan Korhaliller


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